

In May 2024, after coaching more than 40,000 people, Paradox reaffirms its positioning and trades unproven theories and exaggerated promises of personal devo-all too often disconnected from reality-for pragmatic tools and strategies, backed by science, to empower people to live their true ambition.


In the 1960s, the coup de force of the devo perso was to lower the barrier to entry, and repackage the complex philosophical principles of Aristotle, Epicurus, Nietzsche and Kant in simple language that could be understood by everyone.

The answers to the question "How can I change my life?" finally become accessible to as many people as possible.

Already in the 19th century, a new trend was emerging in the United States: New Thought. Its teachings are based on the idea that we can achieve happiness, prosperity and success through the unique power of our mind.

Attractive, isn't it?

Traditionally, success and self-improvement were attributed to hard work, perseverance and discipline. New Thought marks a move away from the emphasis on intense physical or mental effort as the only way to achieve one's goals.

Negative thoughts are not simply minor obstacles; they are seen as the root of unhappiness and failure.

The promise was sexy: all you had to do to make your dreams come true was to be positive.

And then it was all over :

This content quickly gained in popularity, and a whole industry was created.

It was at this point that dozens of approaches and methods emerged (positive thinking, visualization, the law of attraction, etc.)

At the same time, we were faced with a media bombardment that almost permanently reinforced the fantasy of a life devoid of discomfort.

All you have to do to become a REAL man is smoke a cigarette!

By contrast, our lives seem bland and difficult, and we begin to believe that the real problem in our lives is adversity.

More and more miracle methods are selling a life without fear, failure, or pain, promising to create instant and effortless results.

A life without suffering? Cool, right?

By making us believe in simple, easy, effortless, and immediate personal development, the initial enthusiasm gives way to the reality of our daily lives: changing is difficult.

While some people give up and blame fate for working against them, others even start to believe that the problem is themselves.

As a result, many people lose confidence in themselves or reject personal development. Others, more skeptical, are repelled from the beginning by an obvious lack of credibility.

Self-development, which we all aspire to, then becomes synonymous with: Bullshit.

And that has consequences that we, at Paradox, find dramatic.


For more than 8 years, Bronnie Ware, palliative care assistant and author of The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, was in contact with patients at the end of life.

The most common regret she identified in the hundreds of patients she cared for?

"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, and not the life others expected of me".

The tragedy is that the industry which was precisely intended to solve this problem is actually deepening it.

Fortunately, new movements, supported by a scientific approach and endorsed by more and more researchers (Adam Grant, Andrew Huberman, Carol Dweck, etc.), stand out for the concreteness and effectiveness of their approaches, attracting people who were previously skeptical of more traditional approaches.

For Paradox, the fact that so many people end their lives with regrets is a poignant reality that deeply touches us.

Regrets of not playing at the level they felt capable of.
Regrets of stifling that inner voice.
Regrets of conforming to established norms.

But also…

That crucial conversation with a loved one that never took place.
That ruined relationship or the one that was never given a chance.
That novel chapter never begun.
That crazy idea never launched or the dream job never pursued.
That world tour constantly postponed or that trip "almost" planned.

That's where Paradox comes in.


*To allow as many people as possible to live their true ambition.

A more practical, personalized, and effective personal development.
Personal development that is inspired by Stoic philosophy while delving into the latest research from Stanford.
Personal development that helps people understand that paradoxically, it is our constant efforts to eliminate the negative - insecurity, uncertainty, failure, or sadness - that cause us to be so unsure of ourselves, so anxious, so uncertain, or so unhappy. Personal development that allows as many people as possible to live their true ambition. To live the life that inspires them.


The first time the word inspiration was used in French was in the 12th century, to refer to a divine influence that would guide individuals towards their destiny, their mission.

We can already see some of us raising our eyes to heaven.

But there's a very rational way of understanding this definition, which will speak to the avid spiritualist as well as to the most skeptical mind.

Many brilliant minds, admired for their intelligence and contribution, strongly believed in this idea of inspiration.


spoke, for example, of a kind of "inner voice" that guided his reflections on the universe.


spoke of the "daemon", a voice that spoke negatively to him, telling him what to avoid.


referred to his "star", which he could always feel rising when he made the right decision.


19th-century French novelist and playwright, spoke of inspiration as an impromptu visit, an impulse that sprang up and guided her pen.


Four hours of work per week, feet in the water in Bali, sipping cocktails and celebrating retirement at 32 by the beach... A Lamborghini, a Rolex, and financial abundance... Is that really what ambition is all about? For Paradox, living one's true ambition is not the fantastical pursuit of a passion where everything becomes easy and pleasant. A happiness that the ancient Greeks called Hedonism, the quest for absolute pleasure and the fantasy of a life without suffering.

For Paradox, living one's true ambition means striving for eudaimonism (which has its roots in Socrates' Daemon, mentioned earlier), a happiness based on meaning, balance, and accomplishments. Living your ambition means choosing the challenge that makes sense to you. It means embracing both pleasure and suffering along the way.

For Paradox, ambition is not about aiming high to impress others. It is about having the courage, sometimes, to listen to that little voice that whispers what is important to us. Beyond what society deems the right path. It is about becoming that attentive spouse, that involved mother or father; becoming an excellent manager, a top-level athlete; creating a charitable organization; launching the next company that will serve millions of people; traveling around the world with your children to discover new cultures; starting a family; living simply by the water; working from home full-time; launching a side business; pursuing artistic ambitions; going back to school, learning a new language, mastering a musical instrument, living in contact with animals...

It is about having the courage to express our uniqueness. According to Robert Greene, we are all unique: no one else in the world, across the ages, has the same DNA sequence as us. To this biological aspect, add our environment and experiences: no one in the world, even twins, has the same life experience as another individual. It is this unique mix of experiences, aspirations, values, knowledge, and resources that characterizes us and ensures that no one will EVER make a contribution to the world similar to ours.

Among the greatest, this inner whisper, this flame that drives them to express their genius, makes more noise than all the external injunctions, pushing them to move heaven and earth to fulfill their ambitions. This inner whisper is present in each of us. It's what we feel when we are immersed in an activity that deeply resonates with who we truly are. Or conversely, that feeling of discomfort, of boredom, that overwhelms us when we do something that doesn't really suit us.

Some would say that, before developing oneself, it's important to think about others, but we think it's the other way around, and that paradoxically, it's by going after what inspires us "selfishly", by pushing our limits, and by solving problems that make sense to us, that we can have a strong influence on the world around us.

Pasteur exploring his genius contributed to the world

Serena Williams exploring her genius inspired thousands of young girls...

Here we evoke people who are elevated to the ranks of Heroes, but at Paradox we have...


The role models for success are all too often the same: Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, JK Rowling, Albert Einstein...

Except that while these iconic figures inspire some, for others, their success seems unattainable, and unapproachable. The problem with seeing only heroes in the limelight is that it leads us to believe that a life is only successful when our name becomes public

But is that really the case?

Marcel Grossmann

The Grossmann family provided Einstein with emotional and academic support, including help with mathematics, which contributed to his early success.

Gabrielle Émilie le Tonnelier de Breteuil

Marquise du Châtelet - Although they never met (du Châtelet having lived in the 18th century), her translations and interpretations of Newtonian physics would have had a great influence on Curie's own scientific research.

Mackie Shilstone

A fitness and nutrition consultant who played a key role in helping Serena maintain optimum physical condition, enabling her to compete at the highest level well into her thirties.

Hugo van Lawick

A wildlife photographer and Goodall's first husband, van Lawick helped document her studies, making them accessible and digestible to a wider audience.

Clayton Christensen

A professor at Harvard Business School, Christensen's work on disruptive innovation profoundly influenced Jobs' approach to business and product development. Isn't it wonderful to see that all of them were strongly inspired and influenced by people who, before them, had the courage to challenge the status quo, to follow their true ambition? As we can see, none of these personalities recognized for their success made it alone.

Not all heroes are famous. Some are in the shadows and yet illuminate our days or lives with the love they put into excelling in their field.

That professor in the shadows who continuously researches pedagogy and tests new approaches with his students to see that spark of curiosity and interest in their eyes.

That therapist/coach in the shadows who dedicates themselves to the in-depth study of their patients' life stories, diving into the details and subtleties of their personal histories to better understand and unravel the complex threads of their psyches and help them in their healing process.

That musician in the shadows who spends hours analyzing recordings of hundreds of virtuosos, rehearsing tirelessly, perfecting every note and melody, awakening deep emotions in their audience.

That father or mother in the shadows who, instead of following traditional parenting advice, trains in child psychology to better meet the emotional and developmental needs of their children.

Heroes are everywhere: this is our heartfelt cry to celebrate all those who strive to be the best in their fields, whether in the spotlight or in the shadows

We believe that within each of us lies a hero who, according to their aspirations, can amaze the world around them.

And that is why Paradox addresses...

To the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels...

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.

— Steve Jobs, 1997

Paradox addresses these crazy ones, these misfits, these rebels, these inspired individuals who strive for excellence, who see things differently, impose no limits on themselves, and challenge the status quo.

Paradox addresses all those who:

  • Refuse to bask in and be satisfied with their past glories, always hungry for new challenges.
  • Do not shy away from new challenges that push them to become better.
  • Are ready to embrace discomfort and seek those extra millimeters that make a difference.
  • Refuse to prioritize short-term comfort over long-term gains.
  • Refuse to settle for mediocre results.
  • Refuse to settle for less when they aspire for more.
  • Refuse to abandon their ambitions for the security and comfort of routine.
  • Refuse to play small


No matter how beautiful and noble they are, grand principles mean nothing if they are not followed by flawless execution that turns the abstract into the concrete.

To create the most memorable and transformative experience, Paradox has articulated this execution around four ambitious principles:


From boring slides... to captivating stories.
From dull theories... to stimulating pedagogy.
From jaded trainers... to passionate experts.

We prioritize expertise over fame by giving priority to trainers who are genuinely inspired by education and psychology, aiming to make our programs truly engaging, captivating, and transformative.


Paradox's programs are supported by a scientific approach, with the concepts, theories, and principles shared emerging from the study of hundreds of successful personalities across various fields: Richard Branson, Marc Simoncini, Gad Elmaleh, Laurent Lafitte, Tony Parker, Fred Bousquet, Mike Horn, Isabelle Nanty... Paradox also draws inspiration from the ancient wisdom of philosophers who have left a mark on this world.


The personal development industry is full of methods and theories that do not apply to the daily reality of everyday people. Paradox highlights "everyday heroes" and makes personal development more concrete, practical, and easy to integrate into our lives, without ignoring the complexities each person may face.


We do not promise unrealistic quick fixes, we do not advocate for an alienating positivity, and we do not prohibit the expression of anger, sadness, despair, or other emotions often deemed negative. We talk about life, real life. And about humans, in all their complexity.

These four pillars themselves are put into practice through our various brands.



Very often, coaching is reduced to behavior change and goal setting. But if people fail to overcome the challenges they face, it is not because they don't know what to do. It is because they encounter an internal, often unconscious blockage. Paradox School reinvents education with coaching tools and aims to make them accessible to as many people as possible by combining the best of therapy and coaching to teach what we call Deep Coaching®.


Paradox Learning (PXL) creates support programs for ambitious individuals seeking practical and concrete solutions for their personal and professional development by adopting a scientific approach to pedagogy, drawing inspiration from ancient philosophical principles, and tools derived from the experiences of a wide range of successful personalities. All with the aim of creating a captivating and personalized learning experience, transposable to the busy daily lives of everyday people.


Paradox Business supports the CEOs, executives, and managers of tomorrow by providing concrete tools through exchanges and reflections with various industry experts and opinion leaders.


In France, one in five teenagers grows up below the poverty line. School dropout, failure, psychological distress, loss of meaning and interest... the consequences are numerous. The Paradox Foundation's mission is to support the younger generation aged 18 to 25 in developing their potential by offering them access to an ecosystem that promotes mutual aid, self-knowledge, and self-improvement through boot camps and various initiatives.


Paradox is, above all, a bet: that of a butterfly effect on a global scale. Because behind every lesson, every strategy, every shared tool, lies the potential (and hope) to change the course of a life—and with it, that of an entire generation. It's incredible the influence one person can have on dozens, hundreds, thousands, even millions of others. And it is precisely because we are aware of this influence that we put in so much effort and take this mission to heart.

Yes, it is not easy. Rewriting the rules of the game instead of conforming to existing ones, forging our own path instead of following a predefined one, believing in what has never been attempted before. It challenges us every day. But at the heart of this complexity lies a certainty: that every effort is worth it. Because by transforming lives, together, we transform the world.

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