Paradox School - Audio course

Strategies to become a source of inspiration for others

In just one hour, you will learn how to become a source of motivation for those around you and truly build strong relationships, both in your personal and professional life. Through concrete strategies, you will strengthen your ability to inspire confidence and assert your leadership, while developing essential skills to improve your emotional intelligence, your communication, and the quality of your relationships.
+8,000 listeners impacted
Categorie : Coaching, Self-development

3 goals of this course

Objective 1: Adopt the right mental posture.

We can have the best advice, be an expert on our subject, and have the best intentions in the world… If we don’t have the right attitude, the other person risks closing up or even getting so angry that they no longer want to communicate.

The first two modules therefore aim to share with you the right mindset to adopt to make your husband, wife, children or colleagues more receptive to your ideas.


→(Simplified) neuroscience lesson to better understand the origin of resistance in others.
→Common mistakes that limit our impact.
→Secrets to establishing a climate of trust.

Objective 2: Communicate with impact.

Having the right mindset is great – but it’s not enough. To be more impactful, you also need to have the right strategies.

The next 3 modules will therefore give you very concrete keys to inspire others and convince them to change their world model or habits.


→The technique used by David to get his father to like something he hated.
→The indirect strategy to create in others the desire to change without putting pressure on them.
→Tips for managing tense or even conflictual situations

Objective 3: Manage frustration and resistance.

This program is not intended to sell dreams. So, even if all these techniques have value and considerably increase your chances of inspiring others to change, sometimes, and for reasons beyond your control… it doesn’t work.

The last 3 modules teach you precisely how to manage frustration, and even to use this apparent failure to strengthen your relationship with others instead of breaking it.


→Avoid false tolerance: the art of no longer being judgmental.
→Avoid the trap of projection: the art of letting go to better inspire.
→Avoid stubbornness: the art of navigating resistance in others and in yourself.

This course is for you if you are…


A parent

You want your children to succeed at school, to clean up after themselves, to be more independent... without having to run after them or repeat things 100 times.

As a couple

You want to build a healthier relationship by learning to communicate more calmly, while ensuring that you are finally understood and heard.

In a leadership position

Tu souhaiterais travailler sur son leadership de sorte à être une source d’inspiration pour tes équipes et produire plus de résultats – sans leur mettre la pression.
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