A womand and a man having a discussion

Success with Serenity and Simplicity: My productivity method

Discover how to accomplish what's really important to you, with greater serenity and ease, even after trying many approaches to productivity.
Playing a limiting time only
Intervenant : David Laroche
Paradox Logo

It's for you if...

Spend their days juggling several tasks, feeling exhausted, without making any progress on their projects.
Person in red sweater and blue jeans sitting on a chair holding a mug.
Want more results in their lives, without turning into overworked, stressed-out productivity junkies.
Person in a beige shirt with collar and front pockets, against a light background.
Have the impression of already having all the methods (SMART method, bullet journal, pomodoro, productivity apps...), without managing to stick with them over time.
Person in striped shirt standing in forest.

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